Subject initiator:10179864       Replies:1       Published on:2016-04-25

Legends: ZTE engineer:Administrator
Subject:  CSSR degradation after enabling Iur
ZTE engineer

ZTE engineer
Registered on:2014-12-29
CSSR degradation after enabling Iur (Published on:4/25/2016 3:54:15 PM)

Customer changed frequency of NSN to the same with ZTE and they enable Iur, the CSSR degraded so much so they disable the  Iur and  CSSR came to normal.




I've checked the CT files from 12:00 to 12:30 7th Sept
All RAB assignment failures are caused by Iur interface

After RAB assignment request received, there was RL reconfiguration failure with cause: "invalid CM settings"GAP pattern sequence n=4, but NSN only can support n=3



Basically, we should show the analysis to customer and push NSN to solve the issue with customer together


Final solution, we have one parameter to avoid this issue


But after modifying this parameter, Voice DCR would be degraded

ZTE engineer

ZTE engineer
Registered on:2011-06-02
Reply:CSSR degradation after enabling Iur (Published on:4/25/2016 4:44:44 PM)
Thanks for sharing!

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