Subject initiator:Fibber       Replies:1       Published on:2020-08-05

Legends: ZTE engineer:Administrator
Subject:  Wireless Modem help
Common member

Common member
Registered on:2020-08-05
Wireless Modem help (Published on:8/5/2020 8:39:22 PM)

I've been using a ZTE MF627 wireless dongle for the past 11 years on the same computer. Now, during the signing on process for my internet supplier I get the following error message.

'Software activation has made 'XXX' unsuccessful attempts over 'WWAN' bearer type. The software will be blocked after 'XXX' more failed attempts. Contact your system administrator for more information.

I don't have a system administrator as the ZTE MF627 is for home use. My internet provider says it is a software problem so they cannot help.

I've uninstalled the MF627 and then reinstalled it several time but still get the error message. 

I don't know what do now


Registered on:2009-07-14
Reply:Wireless Modem help (Published on:8/10/2020 12:49:50 PM)

MF627 is not  Fixed Network Terminal Products

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