Subject initiator:NELSON       Replies:1       Published on:2022-01-22

Legends: ZTE engineer:Administrator
Subject:  OLT C300 Transparent Circuit
Common member

Common member
Registered on:2022-01-03
OLT C300 Transparent Circuit (Published on:1/22/2022 2:51:47 PM)

good morning dear
I use ZTE's FTTx System
I would like to make a point-to-point circuit from a point A to a point B to connect two client offices. In which the client can pass the Vlans he wants on the same circuit, that is, a transparent circuit in which he passes tag and untag packages.
The central element is an OLT C300 and the ONUs are F668


Registered on:2009-07-14
Reply:OLT C300 Transparent Circuit (Published on:1/25/2022 9:04:43 AM)

This function is not supported.

Configure the vlan that needs interconnection.

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Subject:  OLT C300 Transparent Circuit
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